Club Officers

There are four LAGERS club officers that handle all things LAGERS. Officers serve one-year terms and are nominated every April and elected during a closed club meeting every May. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone for an officer position, help the officers, or offer any suggestions, you may either email us at or send us a message on our facebook page. We will gladly add an official role if you would like to volunteer your time for a particular function. We are always looking for help.


President: Nathan Muleski


Coordinating and creating education, events and outreach.

• Schedules meeting locations and times
• Schedule programs/speakers for meetings
• Schedules competitions, social events and outreach
• Identifies and confirms locations for special events
• Interfaces with other clubs
• Organizes and delegates responsibilities within the club
• Establishes committees when needed
• Sends emails for special communications and events
• Responsible for membership drives and outreach
• Primary contact for handling public relations for LAGERS
• Assists or serves in place of other officers as needed
• Assists with website and social media content
• Continues on as Past President following the end of term as President

Vice President: Brandon Schaefer


Generating sponsorships and running raffles – generating income

• Responsible for organizing and securing items necessary for raffles and fundraising events
• Responsible for creating sponsorship letters and agreements
• Responsible for outreach to find new club sponsors and communications for maintaining existing sponsors
• Handles LAGERS SWAG/merchandise ordering and sales
• Responsible for ensuring SWAG presence at all events
• Responsible for coordinating other persons to assist with SWAG as needed
• Conducts meeting in absence of President
• Assists President as contact for handling public relations for LAGERS
• Assists President with membership drives and outreach
• Assists with website and social media content and development

Secretary: OPEN


All things communications – email, newsletter, website and social media

• Takes meeting minutes
• Conducts monthly meeting competition
• Responsible for communicating that info in the form of a newsletter and posting on the website
• Responsible for submitting email, social media and website reminders about upcoming meetings and events
• Assists President with email, social media and website special communications
• Responsible for maintaining and developing website structure and content
• Responsible for updating website and social media to reflect events, socials, reminders, etc.
• Responsible for overseeing and assisting persons contributing website content.
• Mails paper copies to non-email members.
• Coordinates LAGERS printed material for State Fair Booth.
• Coordinates printed material for Club events.
• Sends memorials / cards

Treasurer: Sarah Popko


Manages the bank and legal accounts – AIC, taxes, bank/PayPal statements and PO Box

• Collects membership dues
• Sends out notification that renewals are coming up
• Sends out notification on past due memberships
• Pays club taxes
• Files articles of incorporation
• Completes an annual treasurer’s report
• Interface with other clubs in financial matters
• Checks Post Office box
• Annual projected budget
• Maintains all banking and paypal accounts and records for club

Other notable members