
Here at the LAGERS club, education is our top priority. We are always looking for new presentations and experiments. If you are interested in conducting an experiment, please let the officers know and we may even fund it. We just ask that you present your findings to the other club members during a meeting.

We have a facebook group for healthy educational discussions and we post weekly brewing related questions. The goal is to get everyone to learn from each other’s methods and experience. Please see our posting guidelines to keep the group in good shape.

We have several brew-ins per year which are great opportunities for all-grain, extract, or non-brewers to learn from each other. Everyone’s system and process is different. We guarantee you will learn a thing or two from talking to other brewers or even just observing. If that’s not incentive enough, there is always coffee and donuts in the morning as well as lunch at noon.

BJCP sensory and judging training is also available every year. We typically do it the month before the Kentucky State Fair as preparation or a refresher. Even if you are not trained in judging beer, we recommend you volunteer at the Kentucky State Fair homebrew competition as a steward or novice judge. It’s a great opportunity to learn and observe experienced tasters and judges, even grandmaster judges if you’re lucky. You won’t regret this amazing learning experience.