LAGERS April 2020 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

It’s been a slow couple of months for the LAGERS and quite frankly, for the whole world. We hope you are all staying safe and are doing OK in these trying times. Despite the current climate, we have managed to host a few events virtually and will continue to try and keep up the spirits and socializing until gatherings are once again allowed. There’s still no word on when that will happen so, until then, we encourage everyone to participate in the few virtual events we have planned.

May is looking to be a month full of fun activities for us. Tomorrow, May 2nd is the nation wide AHA Big Brew Day. Normally we aren’t able to participate due to Derby but I’m excited to join the hundreds of other homebrewers across the nation to brew in solidarity and celebrate our wonderful hobby. If you plan to brew, make the pledge on the AHA website. We will start early morning at 8AM and we will be doing our virtual toast, along with everyone else brewing in the country at 1PM. Even if you don’t plan to brew, come hang out with us. It’s a great opportunity to see how others brew and what their equipment setup is like.

We have also moved the original March meeting to this month. We will be joined by Kristy Holsopple of Holsopple brewing co. to talk yeast quality and management. We’re very excited to finally get to speak with her. The zoom meeting link will be posted on the website, event page, and via it’s own email so stay tuned and we hope to see you there.

In April we held officer nominations for the 2020 year, just like we do every year. If you wish to run for any of the positions or have questions about any of the duties, shoot us an email at Since it will be impossible to vote in person like we usually do, we’ll be sending out a small survey before the May meeting. We encourage all members to take part in voting or running for an officer position. A list of all of the current officers and their roles/functions can be found here. The current roster up for elections is as follows:

President – Greg Butorin
Vice President – Brandon Schaefer
Secretary – TBD
Treasurer – Sarah Popko

Last but not least, we are taking some actions to address some of your requests from the end of year survey. The top 3 requests were for more social activities, more BJCP training, and more variety in our bulk buys. Well since we’re stuck at home and can’t do any social activities, and we just finished a 10 week BJCP training course that was in part paid for by the club, what’s left is the bulk buy. We are very proud to announce that the bulk grain buy this May will be held through BSG instead of the usual country malt. BSG has a wide variety of offerings that we cannot get through country malt such as Simpsons, Crisp, and Weyermann. We’ve been burning through grain during this quaranting so we’re very excited to get to try some new malts soon.

We will be holding the bulk grain buy through Apocalypse once again and we are currently figuring out the logistics of grain pick up and timing. We’ll let you know all about that once all the details are ironed out. In the meantime, feel free to place your orders through us. If all goes well, we will permanently switch the spring bulk grain buy to BSG and the distributor for the fall bulk buy will remain as CMG.

The order form for the bulk buy has changed as well to make it a more streamlined process and to make it easier for everyone to filter through the many different offerings. However, the payment process will remain the same in that you can pay via paypal or credit card BEFORE we place the order with Apocalypse. We do this to avoid ending up with several sacks of unpaid and unaccounted for grain. Follow this link to get the new order form.